I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science advised by Dr. Leilani Battle, and member of the Interactive Data Lab and the UWDB Group at the University of Washington, Seattle.
My research lies in the intersection of Databases, Data Visualization and Human Computer Interaction, with a focus on building interactive data visualization and analysis systems for socio-environmental data science contexts. I am also interested in visualization perception research, and literacy through data visualizations.
Outside of my academic life, I pursue digital photography as a hobby. Browse my photography profile here and on Instagram @ameyabp. I am crazy about the game of cricket, love adventure activities and travelling, often writing down my experiences via blogs.
Designed and implemented an interactive dashboard for analyzing ensemble data assimilation forecasts of freshwater floods in river systems. The forecasts are made using the WRF-Hydro hydrology model. This was an internship project in the Data Assimilation Research Section (DAReS) team at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
DetailsCreated an interactive dashboard for visual analysis of historical commercial whale hunting. The dashboard is aimed to facilitate inferring spatial distribution of whale populations from the catch numbers and the whale search effort, eventually helping in whale conservation efforts.
DashboardDesigned a board game and a video game based on the theme of propagating light in a 2D space.
DetailsImplemented a geo data analysis/visualization tool with interactions to understand the natural calamities that happened in the US over 20 years from 1950 to 2022. Front end was designed using d3, server was setup using python Flask and Postgres was used for backend.
E-mail: ameyap2[at]cs<dot>washington[dawt]edu
Linkedin: linkedin.com/ameya-patil
Location: CSE291, Paul G. Allen Center, 185 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195-2350